Carbs In Bananas

The Truth About Carbs In Bananas

Just like most fruits the carbs in bananas are well worth it. But people may shy away from bananas because they are on a low or no carb diet. Unfortunately they are missing out on essential vitamins, nutrients and fiber. Because of all the highly nutritional benefits of bananas everyone should eat them on a daily basis.

When people are dieting they tend to go for foods low in fat. They choose foods low in calories and most of the time they are also low in vitamins and minerals. Although these foods help with weight loss, they do nothing for the body. If someone also includes exercise, the person can actually need more food to fuel them and if they do not get the proper nutrition they become too hungry. This always leads to over eating because the person will eventually feel like they are starving. Consuming the carbs in bananas can actually help a person maintain their weight.

Bananas are very high in vitamin C. This vitamin helps lower cholesterol levels and helps protect the body from the cold and flu because it boosts the immune system. It reduces the risk of many cancers and it can increase lymphocytes and glutathione levels in the body. It also helps produce healthy skin and hair.

There are also high levels of magnesium in bananas. Magnesium is needed throughout the body. It helps promote a healthy immune system but it is best known for keeping bones healthy and strong. It helps with blood sugar levels and it also helps with giving the body energy. It reduces risk for cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

Riboflavin and niacin are in bananas. Both of these things help control cholesterol and lower the risks of a heart attack. They give us energy and promote normal cell function and growth.

The carbs in bananas are as follows. For a small banana the carb count is seventeen grams. For a medium sized banana the count of carbs is twenty one grams and for a large banana the carb count is thirty nine grams. If a person is trying to lose weight it is recommended that they need no more than sixty grams of carbs a day. But for people who are consuming an average two thousand calorie a day diet, it is recommend that they eat one hundred eighty to two hundred grams of carbs a day. But the amount of carbs that should be eaten a day, depends on the persons lifestyle.

If a dieter is concerned with carbs, they should look at their activity level. Athletes and people who are physically active all day long need more carbs for energy. Carbs supply us with energy and a lack of carbs can make a person feel hungry or tired. When a person consumes too many carbs and is not as active, the carbs turn into sugar with in the body and excess sugar is turned into fat. It is important to find the balance when it comes to consuming carbs, so that you can still lose weight but at the same time get the energy you need. This is why people eliminate carbs from their diets altogether, so that they can avoid weight gain. But as we now know it isn’t a good idea to do this.

While dieting, the carbs in bananas should be considered. But eating one banana a day is a great way to have energy and stay with in the carb count limit. With all of the other benefits that come along with eating bananas there is no reason to eliminate them because of carb counts.