Immediate Signs Of Pregnancy

Seven Immediate Signs Of Pregnancy

If a woman thinks she may be pregnant, she may be experiencing the immediate signs of pregnancy. She may want to be pregnant and is happy with the thought of having a baby. While other women may not want to be pregnant at all. Both of these things can psychologically affect the woman and the immediate signs of pregnancy can be mistaken for simple monthly related problems.

Most of the pregnancy symptoms that women experience are also things they feel every month during menstruation. But if the woman is indeed pregnant, these signs can be more pronounced and severe. This is why a woman should never assume she is pregnant before seeing a doctor. Even the pregnancy tests that you can purchase at any drug store, can give an incorrect positive or negative result. If the woman is stressed or worried about the result, the immediate signs of pregnancy can worsen because of the extra stress on the body.

When a woman is pregnant the first thing she will notice is a skipped period. The absence of a period for a month or longer is usually a clear indication of pregnancy but there are a few other reasons why a woman skips a period. Stress, extreme weight gain or loss and fatigue can postpone a cycle and the woman can think she is pregnant when she isn't. But normally, this is one of the immediate signs of pregnancy.

Because of raising hormone levels when a woman becomes pregnant, she can begin to have constipation. The hormones relax the intestines and bowel movements can change. They can become smaller and less frequent but during pregnancy this is a normal occurrence. This can usually be cleared up by incorporating more fruits and vegetables into the diet and increasing water intake. Doing both of these things are very healthy habits, especially for an expectant mother.

Around three weeks after a woman conceives she may start to notice her nipples becoming more sensitive. The breasts are starting to prepare to give milk and this can be a clear indication of pregnancy because this does not happen during a normal period. Breast and nipple tenderness becomes more uncomfortable as the pregnancy progresses.

Nausea and vomiting can start to occur in pregnant women in the sixth week of pregnancy. It is unclear why this happens but it can also be a result of raising hormone levels or physical changes with in the body. In most cases, the nausea and vomiting stops after twelve weeks of pregnancy. But for some women it can last throughout the entire pregnancy.

One of the clearest immediate signs of pregnancy is fatigue. In the first ten weeks of pregnancy a woman will require more rest than usual. Because of all the physical changes, hormonal activity and the body preparing for the baby, the expectant mother will feel the affects and need to sleep longer or take naps.


During pregnancy the blood flow is affected. The kidneys receive sixty percent more blood flow and this can make the mother have to urinate more often. The growing baby also can put a good deal of pressure on the bladder during pregnancy. This can make the mother feel as though she has to go all the time. Unfortunately, this condition only worsens the further along the mother gets.

The areoles around the nipple area on the breast, can darken during pregnancy. After a skipped period a pregnant woman can notice this area not only becoming darker but also larger. Small bumps can also form on the areoles and they will become larger as the pregnancy advances.