Is Leukemia Hereditary

When Are You At Risk And Is Leukemia Hereditary

If you have a few family members who are suffering with leukemia you may want to know, is leukemia hereditary? Leukemia is a cancer that is malignant. This means that it can spread to other parts of the body and destroy surrounding tissue. It is a cancer that affects the cells in the blood. Red and white blood cells and platelets are formed in the bone marrow. The white blood cells become unable to function normally and these abnormal cells reproduce at a fast rate. They start to overcrowd helpful healthy cells and an infection or anemia occurs and the immune system becomes unable to fight off infection.

Myelogenous, lympocytic, chronic myelogenous and chronic lympcytic are the four different types of leukemia. All of these directly affect the white blood cells and platelets but some progress at a slower rate than others. The symptoms of these separate leukemia’s are different as well. The symptoms of leukemia are generally feeling tired, a shortness of breath or night sweats and a fever. But with some, there are no symptoms at all.

When you ask the question is leukemia hereditary, there is no clear answer. But studies suggest that some people who have this condition do also have family members who have leukemia.  As of now it is still unclear what causes this disease. So instead of asking is leukemia hereditary, if you have relatives who have it assume that it is and find out what you can do to prevent it. It is a fact that people who have relatives with leukemia are at greater risk for getting the disease.

Smokers and their families seem t be high on the list of people who at risk for leukemia. It is not only dangerous for a mother to smoke but the children are the ones who are the most affected by the second hand smoke. Children and the elderly are always more at risk from smoke than any other age group and if a woman smokes around her children she should consider going outside to smoke or quitting altogether.

Researchers have done studies on certain toxicants people come in contact with, that may have a link to leukemia. So it may not be a question of is leukemia hereditary as much as the environment you reside in. Being exposed to a harsh chemical for even a short period of time or being exposed to radiation may cause leukemia. It is also thought that different types of chemotherapy used to cure other kinds of cancer may also cause leukemia. People who work with things like industrial waste or chemicals should always wear protective clothing and eyewear to avoid any problems in the future.

If you have leukemia it does not mean that it is fatal. But since there are different types, the ways you will be treated may also be different. Some people may only need to take medications for their type of leukemia, while others may need to go through chemotherapy. This is when powerful drugs are administered intravenously over a period of time until the cancer cells are dead. Radiation therapy is used to kill the cancer cells with an X-ray. This can shrink an enlarged spleen or lymph nodes. A stem cell transplant can help a person suffering with leukemia. A healthy family member can donate healthy cells to the affected person. This helps to boost their immune system so that they are able to continue fighting the disease.

You may never know the answer to the question, is leukemia hereditary but by doing things to lower the risks we can help to prevent it.