Pregnancy After Menopause

The Truth About Pregnancy After Menopause

Even in these modern times there are a lot of misconceptions about pregnancy after menopause. It is commonly believe that after a woman goes through the change, she can no longer become pregnant. This is due to the hormonal changes in a woman’s body. In a way, menopause is a safety mechanism that nature has put into place so that women that may not be able to handle the physical demands of pregnancy and birth do; not get pregnant.

Although it is not all that common, it is possible for a pregnancy after menopause to occur. Technically, it is not possible to get pregnant after a woman has gone through menopause, but what some women may not be aware of is that even though they may be going through the change, it can take up to 10 years before a woman is considered post menopausal and unable to get pregnant.

When a woman begins going through menopause what is happening is that the hormones that control ovulation and her monthly menstrual cycle are reduced, which means that her periods can stop. Because this is a process that does not happen quickly, even if a woman has gone a few months without her period she can still get pregnant, as there is a chance of ovulation at some point.

One of the reasons why pregnancy after menopause has started is possible is because even though the hormone levels have dropped, there will be times when the woman may have sudden increases in her hormone levels, which will trigger ovulation. A woman may actually think she has already gone through menopause and the pregnancy occurred post menopause, but in reality she has not completed the change so she did not really get pregnant after menopause.

Due to the fact that it is possible for pregnancy after menopause, or more accurately, during menopause, it is important to stay on birth control until a woman is sure that she has completed the process of menopause. Unfortunately, women older than 40 should not take birth control pills; for this reason their doctors may advise an IUD, or other form of non hormone type birth control. One option is to have a tubal ligation.

For those who want a pregnancy after menopause to occur, it is recommended that you try before your periods have stopped. In the case that a woman has truly completed the change, they can always choose to be implanted with a donor egg. No matter if you choose this way or try to become pregnant, it is important to understand that there is an increased risk to both mother and baby once a woman is older. The baby’s development could be affected, plus older woman who go through pregnancy and childbirth are at risk for strokes, hemorrhaging, and infections, as well as many other risks. For this reason pregnancy after menopause, or during menopause should be considered very carefully.

Generally, pregnancy can still occur until a woman has gone more than a year without having a period, this will usually take about 10 years after the onset of menopause. To be sure it is advised that women talk with their doctor to get advice about when they can go without birth control.

If you are concerned about pregnancy after menopause, it is best to wait until you know for sure you have completed the change before discontinuing your birth control. Getting pregnant after the age of 40 can lead to problems and isn’t something that should be taken lightly. In the event that you have any doubts about your ability to get pregnant, your doctor can best advise you on the risks of pregnant.