Cure For Laryngitis

Is There A Quick Cure For Laryngitis?

Whether or not there is a quick cure for laryngitis greatly depends upon what caused the condition in the first place. Laryngitis is an inflammation of the larynx, which affects the voice box or vocal chords to the extent that speech becomes either hoarse or goes away completely. If the inflammation is due to a bacterial infection, there are cures for the condition, although a quick cure may not always be in the cards. If the inflammation is due to a viral infection, there probably is not quick cure as the virus has to run its course.

Rest, Aroma Therapy, And Tea - If you consider remedies which significantly ease the symptoms the same as being a cure for laryngitis, there certainly are a number of things you can do to get your voice back, and back to normal. Some remedies take time and others offer almost instant relief. It depends upon the nature of the inflammation and can of course vary from person to person. If someone is patient, the best cure for laryngitis is simply to give the vocal chords a rest. Some people with a severe case of laryngitis still can't seem to stop talking. Of course, they may be in a situation where there are things that must be said, but that isn't always the case. Some simply must talk, and those are the ones who will suffer the symptoms the longest. If you can get by for a few days talking in a very low voice, or whispering, or using a pencil and paper to convey what you need to convey, you have the best chance of getting your voice back reasonably quickly. There are a number of remedies you can try, which should speed up the process of getting well again.

Treat laryngitis the same as you would treat a cold or the flu as there is not always a lot of difference except one of the symptoms is that you can't talk. You can usually talk when you have a bad cold, but with a great deal of hoarseness. Hoarseness is simply a stage of laryngitis. Besides keeping talking to a minimum, you should drink plenty of water or other fluids (not alcohol) which will help soothe the larynx. Aspirin can help as well, as can certain herbs, teas, and aroma therapy. For aroma therapy you can simply boil water and inhale the steam. Even better, add a few drops of essential oils to the water, such as lavender, or thyme. Chamomile oil is another, or you can try a combination of all three. Anything you can do to be in a humid environment will work to your benefit.

While aroma therapy is often the best cure for laryngitis, drinking a hot tea can have a similar effect. Cayenne pepper is considered by many to be one of the most effective remedies. A teaspoon of the powder in a cup of boiling water is all you need, although adding a few drops of lemon juice can improve both the flavor and the benefit. Drink the solution while hot, though not boiling of course, but hotter is better. Another type of tea, especially if the thought of cayenne pepper seems a bit scary, is to place several slices of ginger root in boiling water, and make a tea from that. Sip it straight or with a little honey. This is also an excellent remedy if you don't have a full blown case of laryngitis, but simply are experiencing some hoarseness.

When To Seek Medical Attention - Laryngitis can be a 24-hours experience or it can last for several days. The remedies mentioned above are not guaranteed to cure the symptoms of an infection, but generally will help in the healing process. If your loss of speech is accompanied by significant pain in the throat, or if the condition persists for more than a few days, you should seek medical attention. It is one thing when the symptom of a larynx infection is a case of laryngitis, but quite another situation if the laryngitis is a symptom of a condition which may be much more serious. That is why significant pain or protracted laryngitis should be taken seriously, rather than completely relying upon self care at home.