Discoid Eczema

All About Discoid Eczema Causes and Treatment

The condition known as discoid eczema is most often found in adults; this skin condition can have a sudden onset and will appear as round areas of red skin. When someone develops this type of eczema it will usually be on the legs or trunk area of the body, and when at first look may actually resemble something else, such as ringworm.

When someone develops discoid eczema the red areas of skin will itch; in addition the condition can be complicated by infections due to bacteria on the skin. When this happens the rash will begin to leak fluid and may become crusty in appearance. When someone does develop this type of eczema it isn’t uncommon for the condition to persist or reappear once it has cleared up. In most cases discoid eczema will plague those people who are 60 years old or older, though it is a skin condition that can occur no matter what someone’s age is.

Although researchers are not sure exactly why some people will develop discoid eczema while other don’t, they do know that there are certain things that tend to bring on the condition or make it worse. Very cold weather has been known to bring on this type of eczema, as well as it appearing more frequently with people who tend to have dry skin. Hot humid weather can make the condition even worse, as can stress. Other things that can bring on an occurrence of this type of eczema include allergies, certain soaps or detergents, using fabric softeners, wearing certain types of materials such as wool. People who bath more than once a day are also at risk for developing this skin condition.

How discoid eczema affects someone is largely dependent on each individual. While some people will develop terrible spots that itch and become infected, others may barely even notice the eczema. When the condition does clear up, there will likely be marks left on the skin; these marks may be lighter or darker than the normal skin tone. In most cases the marks will fade within a couple of months.

Discoid eczema is not an inherited condition, and there is no known medical condition that causes this skin condition; in addition, there are also no food allergies known to bring on an outbreak. The condition is not contagious to others, but the bacterial infection that sometimes develops may spread to others and cause infections.

What is known about discoid eczema is that in most cases it will develop after someone has received a minor skin injury, such as irritation, burns, and rashes. It may begin with only one eruption that develops into several areas of blistering round patches. To help prevent this from happening it is a good idea to wear gloves if you will be working detergents or chemicals, and avoid other aggravators, such as dry skin.

To help relieve the itching of discoid eczema you can use coal tar salves, though these have an unpleasant scent and tend to stain clothing, it will help relieve the itching. If an infection should occur your doctor may prescribe an oral antibiotic, which can help clear up infected areas. Another method of treating this type of eczema is with a steroid cream, though your doctor will best know which is the best form of treatment for you.

If you develop a skin condition that resembles discoid eczema it is best to see your doctor and have him or her evaluate your condition to get a diagnosis. This way you will know for sure what type of skin condition you are dealing with and get the best advise for how to treat it.