Forehead Pain

What To Do About Forehead Pain

If you are suffering with a sudden forehead pain you may want to see a physician. There are many reasons why this occurs and a few of these reasons may be a symptom of a bigger problem. To make sure that you do not have any serious underlining reasons for your forehead pain, your doctor will have to do some tests. After the tests are completed he can either prescribe medication to help with discomfort or find the problem causing the pain.

Since there may be underlining reasons for this medical condition, you will need to tell your doctor if you are diabetic or have had a recent head injury. You should also tell him if you are taking any type of medications for allergies or other ailments. Through the process of elimination the doctor can determine how and why you are being affected by forehead pain.

Pain that is located over the brow line and under the eyes can be caused by a sinus infection or allergies. The sinuses become irritated and inflamed and you can also have a runny nose. But if you are also experiencing pain while bending down or just by moving around, along with these other symptoms then it is probably do to sinus problems. Your doctor may either prescribe an antibiotic or allergy medication for forehead pain related to sinuses.

Any kind of head injury can cause temporary of even permanent pain and it does not have to be severe. Recent studies have shown that even the slightest head injury can cause pain for years to come. If someone has a head injury and becomes unconscious for a period of time, it is called a concussion. When this happens a patient can suffer from headaches for a long time after the accident. It can clearly be seen on a MRI or CT type of test but when smaller injuries occur, the damage might not be detected on either of these tests. Unless the patient tells the doctor about recent injuries to the head the reason for the forehead pain might never be determined.

Women may be more susceptible to forehead pain because of water retention.  During or right before the menstrual process women can have cravings for salty foods like potato chips. Salt makes the body retain water and it also affects the head area. Extra water puts pressure on the skull and brain and can cause terrible head aches until the cycle has passed. There are PMS Remidies and pills that can be taken for these types of headaches but the best and healthiest way to correct this forehead pain is to limit salt intake during periods.

Tension headaches cause extreme pain all around the head but it is concentrated around over the eyes and directly down the back of the head. These types of headaches can be from an injury to the head or from things like repetitious coughing. It can feel like there is a tight band around the head and you can become light sensitive from tension related forehead pain. The headaches can last from thirty minutes to as much as a week and the medications prescribed can vary. This all depends on how severe the forehead pains are. It is also recommended that since the tension headache gets worse in sunlight, lying down for thirty minutes in a dark room can help.

If you have been suffering with forehead pain that lasts more than two days, you should see a doctor immediately. Although most forehead pain can be detected and easily taken care of, other things that cause forehead pain like tumors or cancer cannot, so early detection can save your life.