Fundal Fibroid

Diagnosis: Fundal Fibroid

The term 'fundus' describes the upper part of the uterus, thus 'fundal fibroid' indicates a tumor in that particular area. However, this type of tumor is usually benign and no reason to panic at all- it can generally be removed surgically and does not reoccur. Cells of a benign tumor do not spread and attack other parts of the body and are therefore nothing to worry about. Only in extremely rare cases have tumors of this kind been a life-threatening condition.

Generally spoken, fibroids are benign and occur in uterus muscles. Women at risk are usually those in childbearing age. Fibroids hardly ever cause any symptoms and while they are harmless they should be observed by a Gynecologist on a regular basis. In some cases the fundal fibroid can be positioned in a way that causes vaginal bleeding, excessive vaginal fluids or increased urination. The fibroid may be sitting in a way that puts pressure on other organs or is simply very large. In these cases, the fundal fibroid should be removed to stop any bleeding or disturbing growth. Fibroids can actually shrink or completely disappear during the menopause.

Fibroids are often discovered randomly, especially when no symptoms are present. Depending on its size, growing speed and position, a fibroid can remain undiscovered or untreated for several years. One in three women in childbearing age can have a fibroid or similar type of myoma.

The reason why fibroids and fundal fibroids appear remains unknown. Researchers assume that to enable pregnancy, women in childbearing age develop energy that triggers growth. In fact, the growth of any type of benign tumor is strongly connected to the ovary function and the level of estrogens. This is the reason why very young girls and women who have gone through their menopause usually do not experience any fibroids.

While fibroids are usually harmless, they can cause damage through their size or through inconvenient locations. A hormone boost during pregnancy for instance can trigger a rapid growth of an existing fibroid which can negatively influence the pregnancy. There have been cases in which women have experienced premature birth or even a miscarriage through fundal fibroids. Even if there are no complications during pregnancy, the fibroid may obstruct natural child birth and require a caesarean section. A fibroid is usually only few inches big, but it can grow and fill the entire uterus. Thus, it can obstruct the function of important organs by putting extreme pressure on them.

Although it is virtually impossible that fundal fibroids cause cancer, they can cause other damages and should be observed thoroughly and regularly. A malign development cannot be ruled out completely. A fundal fibroid can change and mutate in a way that causes decrease of blood or intoxication of the body which causes severe pain. However, the term 'tumor' in connection with fibroids is often misunderstood. It is not the type of tumor that equals cancer because fibroids do not create metastases (spreading) and do not attach themselves to any body part.

If a surgery is necessary for any of the above reasons, doctors usually try to preserve the uterus in case the patient still wants to have children. In these cases it is possible to peel or chip the fibroid out of the uterus without causing any damage that may prevent pregnancy. It largely depends on the patient's age, condition and whether she has the wish to have children. While it is recommended to remove any critical fundal fibroids before planning a pregnancy, the fibroid may remain if its size and position cause no reason to worry. If the fibroid is in an inconvenient position or shows dangerous developments, and the patient has no intention to have children, it is best to undergo a hysterectomy (complete removal of the uterus). This procedure has become less frequent due to progress in modern medicine which enables better diagnosis and early discovery.