Giving Injections

Advice On Giving Injections

If you are studying to become a nurse, you should learn about giving injections. You can learn how to do this correctly and keep pain to a minimum. You will want the patient to be comfortable and calm, especially if you are giving injections to children. But at the same time administer the drug in the right area, using the correct amount of the medication.

There are three different types of injections and they are intramuscular, subcutaneous and intradermal. Each one of these different types of injections goes in a specific area and the amount of fluids injected may also vary.

An intramuscular injection is given directly into the muscle. You may choose to give this type of injection if the medication or fluid needs to be fast acting. There are also certain medications that can only be injected through the muscle and the amount of medication makes a difference too. The intramuscular injection is usually given in the muscle of the upper arm or in the buttocks.

The subcutaneous injection is inserted right under the skin. This type of injection is used so that the medication distributes itself right into the subcutaneous tissue. The fluid then goes into the blood stream. Insulin used for diabetes is administered this way. These types of injections are also given in the upper arm or buttocks and this depends on the length of the needle.

With an intradermal injection, it is inserted into the skin and it is used to check for a reaction. They are considered tests and they diagnose allergies or cellular immunities. Although they are considered an injection, they do not penetrate the skin like other types of injections. These injections are usually given in the upper or lower arm.

There are other areas a caregiver may choose while giving injections. They include the hip, stomach and the inner arm. For example, intravenous fluids are usually given in the mid arm area where the veins are clearly seen or on top of the hand.

Injections are given through a syringe and a hypodermic needle. It is a metal tube that the medication or fluid goes through to enter the skin. The upper plastic part of the instrument is called a barrel and it holds the medication. It also has a small, slim tubing called a plunger and the caregiver gently pushes it to administer the medication. Before giving the patient an injection, the caregiver must examine the needle to make sure that it is not damaged or bent. They must also make sure that the proper amount of the medication or fluid is in the syringe.

When it comes to giving injections, there are a few things to remember. These things keep the patient and caregiver safe and to stop the spread of any medical illnesses.


The hands of the caregiver should be thoroughly washed and they should use always wear plastic gloves to avoid contamination from the patient. They should also inspect the medication and make sure that it is the right color and that it is not cloudy or crystallized. The caregiver can now choose the area where the injection is suppose to be given.

The area should be wiped off by the caregiver with alcohol. The shot can be administered according to what specific type of injection it is. The caregiver should lightly pinch the skin in order to place the needle in the right area. After the injection is given, the caregiver may rub the area to distribute the medication. There is no need to wipe the area again with alcohol but a cotton ball can be placed over the area to stop the bleeding. A band aid can be placed over the injection site.