Scalp Scabs

How to Get Rid of Scalp Scabs

Every human being has scalp scabs because the skin is constantly renewing and disposing dead cells. However, some people experience unpleasant scabs due to the fact that many cells are sort of ‘sticking’ together and thus become visible. Scabs are usually not dangerous but are simply an aesthetic issue. Sometimes, though, people have large amounts of scalp scabs caused by eczema or allergies. If this is the case you may want to seek medical attention to resolve the problem with the help of a professional.

Scalp scabs can be treated without a dermatologist if no other worrying symptoms appear. They are usually caused by a harmless fungus that can be wiped out with the help of over-the-counter medication. These are commonly used like a shampoo and heal the roots to prevent future scabs. During the treatment you may sometimes use anti-dandruff shampoo instead of the medical agent because sooner or later you want to switch back to normal shampoo and your skin should gradually get used to it. If scalp scabs return after a while you can repeat this treatment again. As a measure of prevention it is also recommended to use ‘medical shampoo’ once a month even when no apparent signs are there.

While harmless scabs are nothing to worry about, it may become a health issue when you experience rash, red skin, infections, crusts of skin or even hair loss. A dermatologist will be able to help you with several treatments involving acids and cortisone. It is important to know that anti-dandruff shampoos are not a medication and if you experience strong scalp scabs or any of the other symptoms, commercial shampoos will not fix it. Nevertheless they contain small amounts of agents that prevent fungus. For the very same reason, anti-dandruff shampoos should not be used on a continuous basis because the ingredients can cause an imbalance and are quite invasive. Pick a mild shampoo for your regular use instead and only go back to anti-dandruff or medical scab shampoo when they appear.

You can also imbed preventive measures in your body care routine; choose a good shampoo and stick to it if it helps to keep scabs away. Ensure that you always rinse well with clear water as shampoo leftovers are often causing unwanted scabs. When blow-drying your hair, it is best not to do this with air that is too hot as this will dry out the skin and kill cells that result in dandruff. If you have sensitive skin it is important to use a soft brush as overly harsh scratching may irritate the skin in the scalp area. In fact, if you are affected by scalp scabs scratching is the last thing you want to do as it enhances the problem.

If you want to avoid any type of medical aid and are also not a big fan of fancy shampoos, there are certainly a few home remedies that are worth trying.

Tea tree oil heals many skin conditions, and when it is mixed with a very mild shampoo (eg. Baby shampoo) it can get rid of unwanted scalp scabs. You can purchase small bottles of tea tree oil in drug stores and pharmacies, and it is fairly inexpensive. Even more rustic is the good old method with eggs by which you massage two egg yolks into the hair and scalp. Cider vinegar is a known remedy for any skin rash and you might want to try it out while olive oil is a fantastic moisturiser for dried skin.

Although home remedies are worth a try, you can often not fix serious skin diseases at home and if the problem continues or becomes worse it is best to go to see a doctor.