Soapy Taste In Mouth

Facts about the Soapy Taste in Your Mouth

If you eat soap you will get a soapy taste in your mouth. But what about people who claim to have a soapy taste in their mouth and they have no idea where it came from? It can be disconcerting when everything you eat starts tasting like soap. It is also not a terribly unique situation. All you have to do is read the messages at some internet forums on health and you will find plenty of people with a soapy taste in their mouth. It is a condition with which many people are familiar.

The reason for this soap taste is ingesting too much fluoride, otherwise known as sodium fluoride. It is the fluoride in toothpaste, mouthwashes, and the fluoride they put in water supplies. It is the fluoride used in treatments at the dentist’s office. The back of toothpaste boxes often talk about how effective fluoride is in treating teeth and keeping them from decay. There are never any warnings about getting a soapy taste in your mouth or acquiring sodium fluoride poisoning.

Toothpaste, water, and other products containing fluoride are supposed to have the chemical in trace amounts only. Sodium fluoride is actually a dangerous chemical. Sodium fluoride is defined in the dictionary as a “poisonous crystalline salt,” that is used in toothpaste, drinking water, metallurgy and pesticides. To some people it is a little disconcerting that the same fluoride used in drinking water is also a poison used in pesticides. This is a fact you won’t find on the back of toothpaste boxes.

A soapy taste in your mouth can mean that you have ingested too much sodium fluoride. And, too much sodium fluoride can be toxic. So if your mouth does taste like soap, take the situation seriously. It could be the beginning of a condition that could lead to numerous health problems. You will want to catch it before any more serious symptoms appear.

Even the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta issues warnings about ingesting sodium fluoride. Their reason is that it can be the first step in sodium fluoride poisoning. And, sodium fluoride poisoning is not something anyone wants to have. The symptoms as it progresses are diarrhea, vomiting, shock, dilated pupils, mouth numbness, and collapse. A person with these symptoms will need to get to a hospital emergency room immediately.

Sodium fluoride treatments on teeth are done in dentist offices. These along with other products containing fluoride can have a cumulative negative effect on health. Food items, such as cake mixes, dry milk and baking powder which have been contaminated by insecticides and rodenticides contain sodium fluoride. These can also cause very serious illnesses. It is not trace amounts of fluoride which cause problems but the accumulation of fluoride that builds up in our bodies from many different sources.

Sodium fluoride poisoning can be diagnosed by vomitus or gastric washings. Treatment means eliminating fluoride from your life. If you just have a soapy taste in your mouth, it’s good news because it means that you have not yet got all the symptoms of sodium fluoride poisoning. That means you can start to reduce your intake of fluoride--stop drinking tap water, start reducing your use of fluoride by changing toothpastes and having fewer dental fluoride treatments. You can do all of these things on your own at home.

If you have symptoms such as shock, mouth numbness, and collapse, along with the soapy taste in your mouth, you should see your doctor immediately for testing to determine if you have sodium fluoride poisoning. If you do, you will want to take steps right away to treat the condition.