Spotting During Menopause

A Quick Guide to Spotting During Menopause

Spotting during menopause can be a scary and weird symptom that can worry some women who are menopausal or believe to be menopausal. First it is important to know some facts about menopause to understand whether or not something is normal or should be taken to a doctor’s office.

The typical onset for menopause in the U.S is roughly around the age of 45. This however is not set in stone, it can happen later or it can also happen earlier. It is also important to note that periods are not the only symptom associated with menopause but take in note that many other malfunctions may occur due to the fluctuation of hormones.

If you are assuming that you have hit menopause because you are over the age of 40 and not having periods please rethink your situation. The cessation of periods is not typically the beginning of menopause. When this natural hormonal change approaches you, it is more likely that your period will become irregular, sometimes lighter, and heavier with severe cramping, some spotting and mood swings and temperature changes.

If your period has stopped do not simply assume that it is menopause. There can be other underlying factors to this that you should consider. Visiting a doctor to test for hormonal changes and other physical indicators is important once you are sure that this is it; accept this natural chance and find try to find relief from the symptoms. Your period may be missing or late from stress, illness, medications and drastic life changes.

Weight and hormones go along much without our knowledge. The increase or decrease of weight also affects our period. A woman who is too underweight may not be able to have a period and as long as she is underweight the period will not be. A woman who is too heavy may also experience the lack of period. Weight plays such a big role that these same two reasons can also affect conception at any age.

Hormonal illnesses, thyroid problems and tumors or cysts can also affect period cycles and cause menopausal type symptoms such as the hot flashes or irregular bleeding with severe cramping; this is why it is important to seek medical advice prior to accepting this part of life. It may or may not be spotting during menopause.

Once you have checked with your doctor and you are completely sure that you are in fact reaching menopause and you are experiencing spotting be assured that this is completely normal. There are different stages of menopause and irregular bleeding is very common. Please consider that in order to have reached menopause a woman must have not had a period for twelve consecutive months this of course taking in note the other reasons women skip their periods.

If your spotting during menopause is a concern to you remember that you still have your uterus and there may be something more to look into if you are experiencing pain or fevers. It is better to seek medical help than to wait for anything unknown to you to get worse.

A great tip to follow is to keep steady appointments with your doctor, your yearly physical and cancer screening. Maintain healthy relationships in your family to help reduce stress during this very important change in your life. Befriend women who are also going through this and help each other through these awkward times. There are forums and websites dedicated to women who are pre, post and entering menopause. Using these sources can help you find ways to ease your symptoms and maintain a clear perspective don’t just assume any change is normal, like spotting during menopause, always check with a professional.