Lumbago Symptoms

If You Have Lumbago Symptoms You Are Not Alone

Between half and two-thirds of the general population suffer lumbago symptoms at least once during the course of their lives, and generally suffer a number of occurrences. The causes of lumbago are many and varied, and the condition can at one extreme be expensive and difficult to treat, or at the other extreme, the pain lasts for a short time and then goes way. The latter condition is fortunately by far the most common.

Lumbago symptoms consist of pain in the lower back. Sometimes this pain is dull, and nothing more than a general soreness in the area. At other times the pain is sharp, intense, and even disabling. You can exercise or do heavy physical labor for an extended period of time and bring on a bout of lumbago. Or, you can experience lumbago symptoms, sometimes very severe ones, when you make a quick movement, or pick up an object incorrectly. In any event the cause and treatment of lumbago symptoms is not one of the better researched areas in the medical world.

Did The Cave Man Suffer From Lumbago Symptoms? - A theory is that an attack of lumbago symptoms is the result of our general lifestyle. The muscles most often involved when suffering an attack of lumbago, the muscles of the lower back and the pelvic region, are muscles we generally don't exercise much, and generally don't even know how to. The theory is that in times past, when people traveled from one place to another, and had to constantly travel by foot over rough ground, these muscle groups were stimulated or exercised, and back problems, including lumbago, occurred less frequently than they do today. "Walking on logs" on the beach, where you try to get from one location to another by stepping on logs only and not allowing a foot to touch the ground, is an excellent way to exercise lower back and pelvic muscles. Walking on logs is fun too, and a good exercise in coordination. If you don't live near salt water, you'll have to find another approach. Boulder scrambling might be a good one. If you're confined to the city, Pilates, yoga, or one of the martial arts may serve the purpose.

Take Five - As far as treating lumbago symptoms goes, lying down is the best cure most of the time. It may or may not resolve the underlying cause, but usually provides relief, sometimes temporary, other times more permanent. You may only have to lie down for a few minutes, or in extreme cases keep off of your feet for several weeks. Lumbago can be most bothersome when standing or sitting. Motion sometimes helps, and sometimes makes the condition worse.

Try The “Pelvic Tilt” - The benefit of Pilates or yoga is that you gain experience in breathing properly, and through exercises, work the lower back and pelvic muscles, strengthening them, and in the process making yourself less susceptible to an attack of lumbago. One of the Pilates exercise is the Pelvic tilt, where, while lying on your back you go through a set of pelvic movements, raising and lowering the pelvis, rocking from site to side, and "swishing" your tail bone. The movements are so slight that the casual observer might thing you're simply resting, or taking a nap, but the movement is real and the results are very real as well.

Summary - If you suffer from lumbago symptoms, chances are good that lying down, and perhaps taking pain medication at the same time, will correct the problem 90% of the time. If you feel a sore back coming on, the best thing to do is stop what you're doing if possible. A dull ache can soon turn into crippling pain. To avoid bouts of lumbago, consider doing exercises that give your lower back and pelvis a good workout. Pilates is one of the best methods, but is not the only way. Even with exercise and taking some care in how you lift things or maneuver your body when carrying a heavy weight, there is no guarantee that you can avoid the problem, but you can certainly lessen the chances of lumbago symptoms appearing. Look for some logs to walk on.