Sardines Health Benefits

Facts about Sardines Health Benefits

Most people are familiar with the benefits of eating salmon and tuna, but the health benefits of sardines cannot be overlooked when including fish in the diet.

Sardines are small, silvery fish that are widely found in both the Pacific and the Atlantic Oceans. Their name is derived from the island, Sardinia, in the Mediterranean, where vast amounts of the fish once lived in the surrounding waters.  Migratory fish that travel in schools, sardines have a fickle habit of moving around to different areas of the oceans from year to year.  They are most often found just below the surface of the water, appearing as a shimmering blanket from above.  Sardines feed upon plankton as well as the larvae of small fish; in turn, they are a food source for larger fish and many different species of aquatic birds.

Besides being a major part of the marine food chain, sardines are preyed upon by commercial fishermen, as well.  For centuries, the health benefits of sardines have been recognized by many different cultures, and the fish has played a valuable part in their diets.  The largest percentage of the world’s sardine catch comes from Morocco, who is the largest exporter and the leading supplier of sardines.    Various preparation methods are preferred by different cultures; grilled sardines, fried sardines, sardine balls and sardine pie.  The most common means of commercial preparation, however, is to can the small fish in water, oil or a sauce.

Omega 3 fatty acids have highly promoted by health professionals as healthy fats, essential to good health.  Sardines pack a powerful punch of omega 3s that can be healthier than some of the more popular eating fish such as salmon and tuna.  While these have a higher volume of the omegas, the diminutive size of the sardine accounts for less accumulation of toxins that are warned against in salmon and tuna, such as mercury and PCBs.  In fact, sardines are considered to be very safe for consumption by pregnant women and those who are planning to become pregnant.

In addition to the omega 3s, the health benefits of sardines include Vitamin B12, Vitamin D, Vitamin B3, calcium, protein, tryptophan, selenium and phosphorus.  The fish is considered to be one of the healthiest of the world’s foods, especially with its high concentration of Vitamin D which is found in few foods in such amounts.  There are no carbohydrates in sardine, yet high in protein; great for weight loss as well as healthy diet focus.

Stronger bones are achieved through consumption of sardines, making it an excellent choice for young people as well as women who are approaching menopause.  Thirty five percent of the daily recommended amount of calcium is obtained in just one serving of the fish, calcium that works closely with the Vitamin D to develop stronger bones.

In fact, sardines are considered to be such a valuable food that an entire diet has been designed that is promoted as not only a weight loss method but one to stay healthy for life.  Losing just 10% of a person’s body weight puts them at a lower risk for some of the most life threatening diseases of diabetes, heart problems and cancer.  Adding valuable nutrients into the diet such as those found in sardines boost the weight loss benefits of the fish to make them a powerfully important dietary food.

To improve overall health and well being, to lose weight and to increase disease fighting abilities in the body, becoming a fan of sardines is the answer that can revitalize, stabilize and regenerate the system.  Adding this small fish to your diet can help to achieve a healthier and more balanced life.