Weak Heart Symptoms

Weak Heart Symptoms that You Should Know About

Heart health is increasingly important in this day and age, and because of that, there are certain weak heart symptoms that you should be aware of and able to recognize. This is particularly if your family has a history of weak hearts and other coronary issues.



If you notice that any of the mentioned weak heart symptoms are present in you, then it is very important that you contact medical assistance and consultation quickly, as it may be indicative of a life threatening complication.

Weak Heart Overview

When a person has a weak heart, they often have problems properly circulating blood throughout their system. Blood flow can be significantly slowed down, and this in turn can put additional pressure on your heart, eventually leading to heart failure. Additionally, this slowed blood flow can limit the amount of oxygen and nutrients that reach your body’s cells.

Weak hearts are caused by several factors, particularly high blood pressure, diabetes, coronary artery disease, thyroid disease, as well as several other contributing factors. If you have any of these disorders or diseases, it is again very important that you seek medical assistance immediately.

Common Weak Heart Symptoms

There are several symptoms that manifest when a person suffers from a weak heart. Luckily, most of them are quite easily recognized, and serve as effective warning signs that something is wrong in your body. Most of the symptoms involve swelling and additional side effects from that.

Because the heart can’t properly circulate blood, cells that don’t get the oxygen and nutrients they need begin to degrade over time. When this occurs, the liquids that are contained inside the body’s blood vessels start to leak out into nearby tissue. This causes an unsightly and uncomfortable swelling, generally in the ankles and claves. Bloating may also occur throughout the rest of the body, similar to when a woman is pregnant or menstruating.

These extra fluids also have more troubling side effects, aside from some unpleasant leg swelling. They can also eventually accumulate inside of your lungs and even in your digestive track. As the fluids settle there, they will often cause a noticeable shortness of breath as well as a sharp loss in appetite, since your body is tricked into thinking it is full of food, and not liquid.

Many people also notice a lack of energy, or lethargy. They may lose significant amounts of strength and find once simple, daily tasks to be Herculean efforts now. This is the result, again, of the poor circulation and lack of much needed nutrients and oxygen for your body’s cells. You may find yourself feeling tired all throughout the day, despite coffee or energy drinks. Unfortunately, many people attribute this to simply getting older and will wait too long to seek medical consultation, resulting in permanent damage to the heart, and even in some cases, fatal heart attacks.


Preventative Measures

If you are looking to change your lifestyle and decrease your chances of developing a weak heart, there are many things that you can do to help boost your heart health. Clearly, diet and exercise are the two most important things you can do for yourself. While you don’t have to resort to eating rabbit food, playing it smart and sticking to low cholesterol foods will help prevent blockages in your arteries, keeping the circulation going well. Additionally, since the heart is a muscle, regular exercise will help to strengthen it and keep it pumping continuously in a healthy manner. If gym workouts are not for you, going for a brisk walk a few times a week will help keep your heart rate up and be sufficient in your later years.