Discharge While Pregnant

Causes For Discharge While Pregnant

Experiencing vaginal discharge while pregnant can be a concern for an expectant mother. It can cause worry and stress, which is something that no pregnant woman needs. But this can be normal throughout pregnancy and should not be a reason for concern as long as it isn't accompanied by pain. Normal discharge while pregnant should be observed.



Normal discharge should be a white to clear color and it should never have an unusual smell. This discharge may increase as the pregnancy progresses and it is most likely due to the changes in the cervix. Most women who have increased discharge right before they start their period every month, have discharge while pregnant more frequently than women who don't.

At the end of a pregnancy the mucus plug can release and a big glob of discharge and this can indicate that the women is about to give birth. These are all normal reactions to pregnancy. But there are some other reasons why this can happen and they should be discussed with a doctor any time they are seen.

During a pregnancy a woman can have discharge that appears to look like blood. This is called spotting and the reasons for this can vary. Spotting can be caused by movement from the baby and most of the time it is normal. But heavy bleeding or spotting can be an indication of a real problem. It can be caused by placenta bleeding, miscarriage or a host of other pregnancy related complications. Any time any bleeding or spotting occurs during pregnancy it should be considered an emergency and a doctor should assess the problem immediately.

As a result of hormonal changes to the body, candida can occur during pregnancy. This is a yeast infection and it can cause discharge while pregnant. This is in no way a dangerous or life threatening disease but it has been linked to premature labor. Pregnancy throws off the natural yeast balance and women are more likely to have a yeast infection during pregnancy, even if they don't occur when she is not pregnant. This has a tendency to happen during the second trimester. The discharge seen with this illness is a yellow to green color and the texture may also change. It can appear to resemble cottage cheese and there can also be a foul smelling odor. Antibiotics cannot be given to pregnant women, so they will have to be treated with suppositories or cremes.

Another possibility for discharge while pregnant can be a sexually transmitted disease. If a woman has become pregnant but is still sexually active with more than one partner, she should be immediately screened for STD's. If the woman is infected, the discharge can become frothy and green and it can also have a terrible odor. But with some STD's there are little or no symptoms. If left untreated these types of infections can cause low birth weight, blindness and brain damage. They can also be passed on to the infant. This is why it is so important to be examined by a doctor if you suspect you have any type of vaginal infection.


There are a few things that women who are pregnant can do to avoid having discharge while pregnant. Stop taking bubble baths when you find out you are pregnant because they can irritate the vagina and they do encourage bacterial growth. If you cannot refrain from sex or keep just one sexual partner, make sure you use condoms. After having a bowel movement, wipe the area from front to back to avoid bacterial infections.
If you do have any unusual discharge you should see a doctor immediately.