Diuretic Herbs

What You May Not Know About Diuretic Herbs

For thousands of years many different herbs, including diuretic herbs have been used as a natural remedy for diseases. Diuretic herbs are known for increasing urination, so naturally they are used to help with such problems as water retention.

This type of herb is used because it helps to clear the body of water that is being stored in the tissue by increasing urination frequency, but at the same time it will not deplete essential electrolytes. Another reason that diuretic herbs are used to treat a variety of ailments is because in most cases they do not cause any serious side effects like chemical based medications do.

Some of the illnesses that diuretic herbs are used to treat include kidney disease, urinary tract infections, as well as edema, plus many more. These herbs may also be used in cases where you have to increase urination because the body is retaining water, or if there has been some type of drug overdose.

Whenever you use any type of herbs for medicinal purposes it should only be done under the supervision of an herb specialist or your physician.

There are many different types of herbs that are considered to be diuretic herbs; these include hops, skullcap, yarrow, fennel, mint, chicory, dandelion nettle, golden seal and spearmint. These types of herbs are used by millions of people every year, and many of these people will swear that they are very beneficial.

The different diuretic herbs are helpful in a variety of ways; for example, yarrow is considered to be a good inflammatory, plus it increases urination to help eliminate toxins from the body. Green tea is another herb that can help in a number of ailments; this herb is said to help control bleeding and to heal wounds, plus it can be great for your heart. Linden is used for a lot of different illnesses; it can help with the pain of headaches, plus it is used to treat colds, fever, and coughs. This herb is also known to be good for treating high blood pressure, as well as infection. Linden can also help reduce muscle spasms along the digestive tract, plus it is used as a sedative drug.

There are a few different ways you can take diuretic herbs; they can be taken in capsule form, or you can choose to brew a tea from the herbs or buy an extract that can be added to some other type of drink. To make a tea with these types of herbs you simply add a teaspoon of dried herb to a cup of boiling water. You should seep the herb in the hot water for about 15 minutes; you will then need to strain the herb out of the water. If you prefer to have a little sweetener you can add a teaspoon of honey.


The amount of the herb that you consume will depend on why you are using it, but a good guideline would be about 3 to 4 cups of tea per day, or you if you are taking capsules you will need to take 1 to 3 capsules each day. In most cases these dosages should be completely safe but to be sure you should only take diuretic herbs under the supervision of an herbal practitioner or your healthcare provider.

All medicines, including herbs have the potential to cause some side effects and each herb can cause different types of side effects. When taken in moderate amounts there should be few if any side effects, but taking too much of any herb may lead to some problems; for example, over dosage has been known to cause nausea, dehydration, and a change in blood volume.

If you use diuretic herbs correctly they can provide many health benefits, naturally.