Thrush Treatment

Facts about Thrush and Thrush Treatment

Yeast and bacteria is naturally present in our gastro-intestines, and for women in the vaginal tracts, so choosing a thrush treatment for each person affected is an individual matter. Under normal circumstances there is a balance of the two and both yeast and bacteria are needed for good health. In the case of Candida, or thrush, yeast grows out of hand and actually over runs the system.  In laymen’s terms this overpopulation is called a yeast infection in adults and most generally thrush in infants or children.

Thrush begins in the gastro-intestinal tract.  When left unchecked it spreads to other parts of the body. It can be in a woman’s milk ducts and/or nipples. As she nurses her baby it is passed through the milk to the infant. Once passed to the child a white tongue will become evident. If untreated it can spread to the cheeks as well as the throat causing both to be sore. The diaper area can become affected also developing sore, red skin.

Dangerous if left untreated, Candida can get into the blood stream working its way around the body and leading to such conditions as sore joints, sinus problems and even, chest pains. In the intestines it covers the walls interfering with food digestion and the absorption of nutrients. This in itself keeps the body from functioning as it should and can lead to further health problems. For this reason, it is important to seek thrush treatment as soon as possible.

Besides infants (susceptible due to the absence of bacteria that can help fight the thrush) oral thrush most often affects those who are on long term antibiotic treatments, those with anemia, thyroid problems, diabetes, HIV and/or other immune system conditions.

One of the best forms of thrush treatment is to drink plenty of liquids. This will help keep the system flushed. If the mouth is sore and eating becomes difficult consider a good multivitamins with minerals. Try soft foods at this time-milk fortified with acidophilus or products such as yogurt containing cultured milk. Also get the daily recommended amount of zinc as this will work in conjunction with Vitamin C to naturally fight infection. Rest, as you will need the energy to fight the overgrowth.

For mothers and nursing infants a mild antifungal medication is a good thrush treatment and can be prescribed for the baby, as well as an antifungal cream for the breasts. Rinse anything that comes in contact with the baby’s mouth with a mild solution of water and vinegar mixed in equal parts.

For healthy children and adults yogurt as well as acidophilus works well as a thrush treatment by building up the good bacteria in the intestines. These should be ingested unsweetened and it takes about 10-14 days, so relax. If it needs to be taken care of more quickly an antifungal medication can be prescribed to help.

For anyone with a weakened immune system medication is usually prescribed in the form of tablets, lozenges, or a liquid (swished around in the mouth). In those with HIV there are stronger drugs that can be used. For those who have liver problems care should be taken. Many antifungal medications can interfere with the liver. Pregnant women should also use care to protect the baby when considering a thrush treatment.

For those who develop thrust and have dentures it is important to keep your mouth, any teeth and dentures clean, scrubbing all three nightly. A good thrush treatment is to soak dentures overnight in a solution you can get from your pharmacist called chlorhexidine gluconate (though products like Efferdent will work). Again, treatment will take about 10-14 days.