Treating Sunburn Blisters

Is There A Best Way For Treating Sunburn Blisters?

There are a number of ways for treating sunburn blisters ranging from leaving them alone, to applying a home remedy, to seeking medical advice in more severe cases. The first thing someone will tell you if you have sunburn blisters is that you shouldn't have allowed that to happen, and either worn sunscreen or stayed in the shade. Of course that is of little help, even though the person is probably right. In any event the damage has already been done. If you have sunburn blisters you've suffered 2nd degree burns, and there are several things you want to do, and fairly quickly.

Treating sunburn blisters involves easing the pain, which if it hasn't yet come soon will, protecting the blister (keeping it from breaking), and beginning the process of allowing your injured skin to heal. While easing the pain seems almost a given in terms of what you should be doing, if the pain becomes severe a sunburned person could become quite sick and other complications could develop. By protecting the blisters, you're simply trying to keep any of them from open which gives rise to a potential for them to become infected. Finally, you want to begin the healing process, both to avoid any permanent damage to the skin, and of course to heal that what is the source of pain.

A Number Of Home Remedies - Keeping the skin cool and hydrated will both ease pain and promote the healing process. Cold compresses of ice water or ice water and vinegar will provide some relief immediately, and one should start drinking plenty of liquids, especially if more than a small area is affected. Hydration and cool temperatures will draw the heat out of the sunburned area and the healing process can then begin. There are a number of home remedies, both to ease the pain and start the healing process. The gel from the aloe vera plant is well known is an effective agent in treating sunburn blisters. One can either buy lotions containing aloe vera or, if lucky enough to be near an aloe vera plant, cut into one of the leaves and apply the gel directly to the burned area. Tomato juice, cucumber juice, and a mixture of baking soda and water are all said to be effective remedies. One thing about a sunburn, whether it is 2nd degree (blisters) or not, is that you usually know you have one before the pain and blistering set in, and have time to find an aloe vera plant, a lotion, a tomato, or whatever will help.

As far as medication is concerned, an anti-inflammatory medication is what you need. Ibuprofen is very effective as is aspirin, but don't give aspirin to young people. In rare instances it could be fatal. Sticking to Advil or Motrin would be a good approach. Sunburn treatment lotions that contain anesthetics should be avoided as they will either do nothing or may irritate the skin still further. Moisturizing creams or creams containing hydrocortisone are far better.

Follow-On Care - If you have many blisters or some are quite large, get a jar of anti-bacterial ointment. You don't need this immediately but it will come in handy later. It can't be emphasized enough that the blisters should not be broken. If that should happen one can put the anti-bacterial ointment to good use. What will happen however is that in a few days the blisters will start breaking of their own accord. The skin's healing process has started, but applying anti-bacterial ointment to the broken blisters is still a good precaution.

Take plenty of cool baths or showers. Avoid hot baths, as not only will they be painful but will slow the healing process. As a rule of thumb, if any blisters are larger than a quarter, consider seeing a doctor or dermatologist. In such cases it might be best to have the advice of a professional, plus prescription medication in treating sunburn blisters could well be needed.

Finally, when all is said and done you can advise others to take necessary precautions when exposed for long periods to the sun. After all, you've been there.