Kitten Constipation

All about Kitten Constipation

Kittens are such happy, fun-loving pets that when the problem of kitten constipation comes along, you want to find something to fix the problem quickly. Nothing is worse than animals who are out of sorts and not themselves, especially if they are in pain. Kittens do not have a fully functional digestive system yet so we have to be careful in the foods we feed them.

One of the things you have to do when you have a kitten is to pay careful attention to where they are and what they are doing at all times. That also means paying attention to the food your kitten is eating and checking to see that he or she is having bowel movements every day. If there are no bowel movements, your kitten is either constipated or may have a more serious problem.

Kitten constipation itself is very serious as well. Because kittens are so small, constipation that is not diagnosed and treated quickly can make them very sick and even lead to death. When kittens start out normally, they are fed with their mother’s milk and sometimes they are not ready for the food they are given when they are taken home or adopted.

Kittens should not go right from their mother’s milk to dry cat food. They should have something softer and with more liquid, such as canned food or the soft food that comes in little pouches. They cannot handle eating people food either. If you want to continue to give your kitty milk, don’t use cow’s milk. It is hard for kittens to digest. Instead, they do very well on goat’s milk, which you can purchase in most health food stores.

Other necessities for your kitten that can help prevent kitten constipation are to make certain there is always a bowl of water available. The lack of water is the major cause of kitten constipation. Another cause is lack of movement. This can occur if you keep your kitten in a crate or cage for a long period of time, such as when you are at work all day, or you are trying to keep the kitten off the furniture.

Kittens need to have moist food, plenty of water, and exercise. All of these are terribly important to kitten health. If you notice that your kitten might be getting constipated, there are a few things you can do to help. Canned pumpkin is excellent when you need to soften stools. Just add a tablespoon to some canned cat food. Your kitten should eat it with no problems. Don’t get pumpkin pie filling but rather pureed pumpkin or pumpkin baby food.

With kittens just as with people, fiber is very important for normal bowel movements. It can be obtained from whole grains but the veterinarian can also provide you with pills or supplements that contain fiber. Any time your kitten has not had any stools for over 24 hours, it is necessary to get the kitten to the vet.

All kittens and cats can get constipated. And, because every cat’s system is different, some things that might make one cat constipated may not bother another cat in the least. Kittens are more susceptible because they are just starting to grow and all of their organs are not yet full-sized. Keeping any kitten well-hydrated is essential to prevent constipation and to treat constipation. Water keeps everything moving. With a kitten, severe dehydration can occur within 48 hours and that can cause death.

Take good care of your kitten by making sure he or she has plenty of soft food and clean water at all times. Don’t feed a diet entirely of dry food until the kitten is six months old.