Stretch Marks On Legs

How to Treat Stretch Marks on Your Legs

The problem of stretch marks on your legs can be frustrating and difficult to overcome. There are a few different reasons why people get stretch marks. They are common in cases of extreme weight loss, and stretch marks on the legs and elsewhere usually come with pregnancy. Weight gain can also lead to stretch marks.

For some people, stretch marks do not present a problem. Others cannot stand the sight of them and will do just about anything – including surgery – to get rid of them. Drastic measures to eliminate stretch marks on your legs or other parts of the body are not generally recommended unless the situation is serious, and then only under a doctor’s care. In fact, there are a few simple remedies that can be quite effective in treating stretch marks.

Creams and Lotions for Treating Stretch Marks
Probably the most common way to treat stretch marks on your legs is with the use of creams and lotions. There are a wide variety of products sold over-the-counter that can be quite good at treating and eliminating stretch marks. Some work better than others, and this can often vary according to personal preference.

Stretch marks tend to show up in the same places on the body, including the abdominal area, along the upper arms, on the breasts, across the back and around the legs and hips. Treatment with cream or lotion is simple: apply the product to the affected area on a regular basis until the stretch marks become diminished or disappear altogether.

There are a few specific types of cream and lotion that seem to get the best results:
> Cocoa butter is a thicker lotion that is found in a tube or as a more solid substance that comes in a pot. It is rubbed into the stretch marks a few times a day for the best results.

> Shea butter is similar to cocoa butter. It can be an ingredient in lotions or creams but is most effective when it is used in its natural form, which is more solid than creamy. This also comes in a pot container and should be massaged into the area of the stretch marks several times per day.

> Vitamin E oil is also quite a popular treatment for stretch marks, and this is much more fluid than both cocoa butter and shea butter. Because of its liquid consistency, vitamin E oil is usually easier to work with than the butters. Like any other lotion or cream, it should be applied generously and frequently to get the best outcome. Vitamin E oil is also commonly used to heal and treat scarring and can have quite good results.

Diet and Stretch Marks
As with most physical conditions, diet can play a major role in cause and treatment. Water is vital to good health, and drinking plenty of water can help the skin overcome problems with stretch marks. Foods rich in vitamins A and C can also aid in healing skin problems, along with foods that are high in protein and zinc.

Exercise to Prevent Stretch Marks
Stretch marks that are caused by extreme weight loss can be treated with exercise. If the weight is lost by diet alone, without a workout component, it is common to wind up with sagging skin and stretch marks. Regular exercise along with a healthy and balanced diet will help the body adjust to the weight loss and can prevent stretch marks from forming as the weight is dropped. Prevention is the key here, and it should be addressed before beginning any major weight loss program.